Protecting our Town’s wild lands, forever
At the core of the DCLT’s mission is the permanent protection of natural lands across the Town of Dennis. To achieve this goal, the DCLT acquires land, acquires permanent conservation restrictions on land owned by others, and assists the Town in the acquisition of conservation land.
Establishing Priorities
Faced with limited resources, and substantial variation in the conservation value of parcels found across our Town, the DCLT has worked to establish a rigorous, systematic approach to prioritizing parcels for potential acquisition.
Our approach combines criteria from local to federal resources, which we use to produce a ranking that reflects the conservation values of the DCLT, the latest scientific information, and the values of State and Federal grantmaking programs.
Explore Your Options
Since its founding in 1988, the DCLT has worked collaboratively with hundreds of landowning families to conserve land across our Town. Central to this work are honest, open discussions between the DCLT and landowners that are handled with confidentiality top-of-mind.
If your family owns land in town, please reach out to us today for a free, initial assessment of the potential benefits of conserving your land. The DCLT will work with you to find creative solutions that meet the goals and financial needs of your family. Please visit our “Support” page to learn more.