

DCLT Summer 2024 Newsletter

Table of Contents

1. The Tobey Dream
2. Jen Clifford’s Biodiversity Project
3. Tara Brew’s Experiment on the Farm
4. Welcome, Fernando, Joel, and Lauren
5. 2024 Auction
6. Let’s GROW Native!

Dennis Conservation Land Trust Newsletter

Newsletter Archives

DCLT Year-End 2023 Newsletter

1. President’s Message
2. 35 Years Steady on the Rise
3. Tribute to Carole Walker Bell
4. Unnatural Silence
5. The Demise and Rise of Cape Wildlife
6. Engaging with Nature through the Arts
7. A Look Back: 2023 Events
8. New Trustees and Advisors
9. Donor Acknowledgements

DCLT Summer 2023 Newsletter

1. DCLT Finds a Home at Not Enough Acres Farm
2. DCLT Launches New Website
3. Studying our Natural World, Together
4. Tara Brew’s TerraCorps Service Year
5. Tobey West Opened for Public Access
6. Summer 2023 Events
7. A Message from the Executive Director

DCLT Fall 2022 Newsletter

1. President’s Message
2. 2022 Summer Auction
3. Nature’s Connections
4. DCLT’s Community Scientist
5. Summer Highlights
6. Connected Cape Cod Bay
7. From COVID College to DCLT
8. 2022 Annual Meeting
9. Business Sponsors

DCLT Spring 2022 Newsletter

1. Let’s Protect Tobey West!
2. Indigenous Cultural Access Guaranteed Forever by Easement in Dennis
3. The DCLT Does Science and Education
4. Korri Basinger, my Time with AmeriCorps at the DCLT
5. Meet the New DCLT Trustees!

DCLT Fall 2021 Newsletter

1. President’s Message
2. Annual Summer Auction
3. Notes from Behind the Desk
4. Tennis Club Celebrates 75th Anniversary
5. The Nickerson Property
6. The Printmakers of Cape Cod
7. Trustee, Paul Prue
8. Coastal Resilience and Land Trusts
9. Where Can “Big Data” Lead Land Conservation Work?
10. DCLT Events & Activities

DCLT Spring 2021 Newsletter

1. President’s Message
2. From Behind the Desk
3. The Invisible Rhythm of Bird Migration
4. Janet (Spadoni) McSorley Conservation Land
5. David Howes Conservation Land
6. Why Native Plants are Gaining Recognition
7. My Remote Internship with DCLT
8. Time to Test Your Soil
9. The AmeriCorps 2020-2021 Experience
10. Thanks to our Sponsors
11. 2020 Members and Donors
12. Tributes

DCLT Fall 2020 Newsletter

1. Notes from Behind the Desk
2. Best Wishes and Farewell to Jim Wick
3. President’s Message
4. Heat Islands
5. Comparing Land Trusts
6. Remote Internship
7. History of Conservation & the DCLT
8. My Experience as a DCLT Intern
9. A Day on the Palatinate Forest Trail
10. Virtual Internship
11. DCLT’s Coles Pond Trail

DCLT Spring 2020 Newsletter

1. President’s Message
2. Notes from Behind the Desk
3. The Tobey’s: An Historical View
4. Wild Geese
5. Zoe’s Mamdala
6. Chase Garden Creek Estuary
7. Serving as an Americorps Member
8. Grandparents: Reflections during Covid

DCLT Spring 2017 Newsletter

Success at Scargo Lake………Page 2
Cultural Respect Agreement…Page 3
Swan River Land Effort………Page 4
Volunteer Spotlight………….Page 5
Remembering Muriel Hanger..Page 6
2017 Summer Evening….…..Page 7
Interactive Sites………….….Page 8
Rubber Duck Regatta……….Page 9
Items of Interest…………….Page 10
Navajo Prayer……………….Page 11

DCLT Winter 2017 Newsletter

Volunteer Spotlight…………Page 4
Rubber Duck Regatta… ……Page 6
Year-End Tax Planning…….Page 8
2017 DCT Auction…………Page 10
Annual Meeting……………Page 12
New AmeriCorps Member…Page 14

DCLT Winter 2015 Newsletter

President’s Message ……..Cover, 2
Effort at Chase Garden Creek…….6
DCT’s AmeriCorps Member …. ..4
2016 DCT Rubber Duck Regatta…3
DCT Moved………………………3
Call for Volunteers………………4
DCT Wish List…………………..5
In Memory of …………………. 13
In Honor of ….……………….13
Local Support…………………….7
2015 Membership Roll Call.…8-12
2015 Donations ……………..….12
2015 Auction Donations…….14-17
Recap of 2015……………….18-19

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