7/1/2024 – DCLT is in store for a busy summer – luckily, with lots of help! Meet our summer 2024 team below.

DCLT's Summer 2024 personnel

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Carl De Puy, Environmental Educator: Carl is an ecology and environmental sciences teacher at D-Y Regional High School. This summer, he is working for DCLT to assist science fair students with their research projects, as well as helping to monitor and analyze water quality in Dennis.

Nina Hill, Science Fair Intern: Nina is heading into her senior year at D-Y Regional High School. This summer, she will be advised by DCLT as she develops and implements her science fair research project as a part of DCLT’s Summer Science Fair Internship program.

Lauren Dreyer, Outreach Coordinator: Lauren works for DCLT ~2 days per week throughout the year, leading events, growing membership and other support, and spearheading marketing and communication for the Trust.

Jillian Maranda, Environmental Research Intern: Jillian is heading into her senior year at UConn, where she is in the honors program majoring in environmental studies. This summer, Jillian is being advised by DCLT as she completes her senior thesis research – a study of river herring predation in small coastal streams.

Janice Backus, Administrative Assistant: Janice works for DCLT ~1 day per week throughout the year, handling and acknowledging incoming donations, managing the Trust’s donor database, and helping with annual events such as the summer auction.

Fernando Mendonca, Ph.D., Biodiversity Scientist: Fernando is a teacher’s aide at Barnstable High School. Before recently immigrating here from Brazil, he was an ecology professor studying biodiversity in the Amazonian Rainforest. Fernando is working for DCLT full-time this summer to lead DCLT’s Biodiversity Initiative, and will continue on a part-time basis during the school year.

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Dave Fryxell, Ph.D., Executive Director & Ecologist: Dave has been with the Trust for three years, before which he was working as an academic researcher in California and New Zealand. Now the Trust’s E.D., Dave works closely with the Board of Trustees as he oversees all aspects of the organization’s operations and management.

Tara Brew, TerraCorps Service Member: Tara will finish her TerraCorps service year with DCLT at the end of July 2024. This month, she’ll be leading the Trust’s agricultural activities at its headquarters.

Jen Clifford, AmeriCorps Cape Cod Service Member: Jen will finish her AmeriCorps Cape Cod service year with DCLT at the end of July 2024. This month, she’ll continue searching for rare, state-listed species while creating a species identification guide as part of DCLT’s Biodiversity Initiative.